Indian Coast Guard Recruitment 2023
The Indian Coast Guard is inviting applications from eligible candidates for Assistant Commandant 01/2024 Batch posts. There are 71 vacancies available for Indian Coast Guard in the different branches of the Coast Guard.
The registration process for the recruitment started on 25 January 2023 and the last date for submission of applications is 09 February 2023.
Candidates can pay the application fee, which is Rs. 250 for General/OBC/EWS candidates and free for SC/ST categories, online through Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking or SBI Challan. The minimum age limit for the General Duty GD post is 01 July 1998 to 30 June 2002.
For Commercial Pilot CPL SSA post, the age limit is 01 July 1998 to 30 June 2004, whereas for Technical Mechanical, Electrical, and Electronics posts, the age limit is 01 July 1998 to 30 June 2002.
Indian Coast Guard official website.
The age limit for Law Entry post is 01 July 1994 to 30 June 2002. The eligible candidates should apply for the Indian Coast Guard posts on or before 09 February 2023.
The Indian Coast Guard has recently announced the recruitment of Assistant Commandant 01/2024 batch. This recruitment is for 71 posts in General Duty (GD) & Commercial Pilot (CPL SSA), Technical Mechanical & Technical Electrical / Electronics and Law Entry branches.
To be eligible for Indian Coast Guard recruitment, candidates must have a bachelor’s degree with 60% marks in all year/semester and must have taken Mathematics and Physics as subjects.
The pay scale for this post will be as per rules and the online registration for this recruitment has begun from 25 January 2023. Those interested in this position should apply before the last date.
Law Entry –
Candidates who have bachelor’s degree in law with Minimum 60% Marks.
Physical Details for Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 01/2024 Batch Recruitment: –
Height – 157 cms (Male)
Chest – Min Expansion 5 cms (Male)
Weight – Should be proportionate in accordance with height & Age index.
Eyesight – 6/6 6/9 – Uncorrected without Glass. 6/6 6/6 – Corrected with Glass (Male & Female both).
How to apply for Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 01/2024 Batch Recruitment: –
Candidates can apply through link provided below or they can also apply through official site of the Indian Coast Guard before 09 February 2023.
Requisites of Online Application-:
Photograph (10-40 kb)
Signature (10-30 kb)
Mode of Selection for Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 01/2024 Batch Recruitment –
The selection process for Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant 01/2024 Recruitment 2023 consists of following stages: –
Short Listing
Mains Exam
Personality Test
Indian coast guard Syllabus 2023 is divided into 3 stages. The first stage comprises 5 sections such as English Language, Math’s, Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Science.
The second stage also contains 5 sections English, Reasoning & Numerical Ability, General Science & Mathematical aptitude, General Knowledge, and Mechanical. On the other hand, the third stage contains different subjects such as English, Reasoning & Numerical Ability, General Science & Mathematical aptitude, General Knowledge, Electrical & Electronics.
Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Syllabus: Stage I
English Language
1. Error Detection
2. Synonyms
3. Antonyms
4. Fill in the Blanks
5. Spelling Correction
6. Idioms and Phrases
7. One-Word Substitution
8. Sentence Improvement
9. Comprehension Passage
2. Number System
3. Percentage
4. Average
5. Time and Work
6. Profit and Loss
7. Ratio
8. Mixture and Alligation
9. Time, Speed and Distance
10. Simple Interest
11. Compound Interest
12. Geometry
13. Mensuration
14. Trigonometry
15. DI
16. Algebra
1. Analogy
2. Symbolic/Number Classification
3. Number Series
4. Problem Series
5. Figural Series
6. Word Building
7. Coding-Decoding
8. Venn Diagrams
9. Numerical Problems
10. Embedded Figures
11. Drawing Inferences
12. Syllogism
General Knowledge
1. History
2. Geography
3. Culture
4. Economic Science
5. General Polity including the Indian Constitution
6. Current Affairs
7. Scientific Research
General Science
1. Nature of Matter
2. Universe (Planets / Earth/Satellites/Sun)
3. Electricity and its application
4. Carbon and its Compounds
5. Measurements in Science
6. Sound and Wave Motion
7. Atomic Structure
Indian coast guard Assistant Commandant Syllabus: Stage II and III
Mental Ability Test or Cognitive Aptitude Test
1. Analogies
2. Similarities, and differences
3. Spatial visualization
4. Spatial orientation
5. Problem-solving
6. Analysis
7. Judgement
8. Decision making
9. Visual memory
10. Discrimination
11. Observation
12. Relationship concepts
13. Arithmetic reasoning
14. Verbal and figure classification
15. Arithmetical number series
16. Non-verbal series
17. Coding and decoding
18. Statement conclusion
19. Syllogistic reasoning
Picture Perception & Discussion Test (PP&DT)
1. Story Writing and Discussion
Indian Coast Guard Assistant Commandant Syllabus Technical Branches
Fundamental Engineering
1. Matrix Algebra
2. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
3. Theorems of integral calculus
4. Partial derivatives
5. Maxima and minima
6. Multiple integrals
7. Stokes
8. Gauss
9. Green’s theorems
10. The first-order differential equation (linear and nonlinear)
11. Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations
12. Complex variables
13. Taylor’s and Laurent’s series
14. Sampling theorems
15. Mean, Median, Mode
16. Standard deviation
17. Random variables
18. Discrete and Continuous distributions
19. Fourier transform
20. Laplace transform
21. Z-transform.
Engineering Physics
1. Units for measurement
2. Description of Motion in One, Two, and Three Dimensions
3. Laws of Motion
4. Work, Energy and Power, Rotational Motion
5. Gravitation
6. Heat and Thermodynamics
7. Electrostatics
8. Electric Current
9. Magnetic Effect of Currents
10. Magnetism
11. Electromagnetic Induction
12. Alternating Currents
13. Electromagnetic Waves
14. Ray Optics
15. Optical Instruments
Engineering Graphics / Engineering Drawing
1. Principles of orthographic projections
2. Projections of points
3. lines
4. planes
5. solids
6. Section of solids
7. Isometric views
8. Auto-CAD.
Specialized Branch
Engineering Mechanics
1. first and second moments of area
2. simple problems on friction
3. kinematics of particles for plane motion
4. elementary particle dynamics
5. Generalised Hooke’s law and its application
6. design problems on axial stress
7. shear stress, and bearing stress
8. material properties for dynamic loading
9. bending shear and stresses in beams
10. determination of principal stresses and strains
11. analytical and graphical
12. material behaviour and design factors for dynamic load
13. Equations of equilibrium in space and its application
1. Classification and properties of fluids
2. incompressible and compressible fluids flows
3. effect of Mach number and compressibility
4. continuity momentum and energy equations
5. normal and oblique shocks
6. one-dimensional isentropic flow
7. flow of fluids in duct with frictions that transfer
8. Flow-through fans
9. blowers, and compressors
10. axial and centrifugal flow configuration
11. design of fans and compressors
Theory of Machines
1. Kinematic and dynamic analysis of plane 2. mechanisms
3. Cams
4. Gears and epicyclic gear trains
5. flywheels
6. governors
7. balancing of rigid rotors
8. balancing of single and multi cylinder engines
9. linear vibration analysis of mechanical systems
10. Critical speeds
11. whirling of shafts
12. flywheels
13. balancing of rotors and reciprocating machinery
14. balancing machines
15. governors
16. free and forced vibration of damped
17. undamped single degree of freedom systems
18. isolation
19. whirling of shafts
20. gyroscope
Fluid mechanics/Hydraulic Machines
1. Fluid flow concepts
2. Transport theorem
3. Fluid kinematics
4. Potential flow
5. Governing equations of Fluid flow
6. Dimensional Analysis
7. Viscous flow
8. Boundary Layer flows
9. Turbulence
10. Closed conduit flows
11. Hydrodynamic lubrication
12. Free surface flow
13. Compressible flows
14. Hydraulic Turbines
15. Impulse and Reaction Turbines
16. Centrifugal and Axial flow pumps
Manufacturing Science
1. Foundry Technology
2. Melting furnaces
3. Special casting processes
4. Gating, and riser design
5. Casting defects
6. Arc welding, TIG, MIG
7. submerged arc, resistance welding
8. Gas welding, Flash butt welding, Solid-state welding
9. Welding metallurgy, Forming Technology
10. Powder metallurgy
Materials Science
1. Basic concepts on structure of solids
2. common ferrous and nonferrous materials and their applications
3. heat-treatment of steels; non-metals- plastics, ceramics, composite materials, and nano-materials.
Machine Drawing
1. Development and Intersection of surfaces
2. Conventional representation of machin2 elements
3. materials
4. surface finish, and tolerances
5. Sectional views and additional views
6. Drawing of Screw threads
7. locking devices, Fasteners, Keys and Cotters, Knuckle joints
8. Riveted Joints, Shaft Couplings, and Bearings
9. Pipe Joints, Assembly and production drawings
Specialized Branch
Analog and Digital Electronics
1. Characteristics of diodes
2. BJT, FET, JFET, and MOSFET, Amplifiers
3. biassing, equivalent circuit and frequency response
4. Oscillators and feedback amplifiers
5. Operational amplifiers
6. characteristics and applications
7. Simple active filters, VCOs and timers
8. Combinational and sequential logic circuits
9. Multiplexer, Schmitt trigger, Multi-vibrators
10. Sample and hold circuits
11. A/D and D/A converters, 8-bit microprocessor basics
12. architecture, programming
13. Interfacing.
Electrical Engineering
1. Single-phase transformer – equivalent circuit
2. phasor diagram, tests, regulation and efficiency
3. Three-phase transformers
4. connections, parallel operation
5. Autotransformer
6. Energy conversion principles, DC machines
7. types, windings, generator characteristics
8. armature reaction, and commutation, starting and speed control of motors
9. Single-phase and Three-phase induction motors
10. principles, types, performance characteristics, starting and speed control
11. Starting motors, Servo and stepper motors, Synchronous machines Generators
12. performance, regulation, and parallel operation.
Electronic Devices
1. Energy bands in Silicon, Intrinsic and extrinsic Silicon, Carrier transport in Silicon
2. diffusion current, drift current, mobility, and resistivity
3. Generation and recombination of carriers, p-n junction diode
4. Zener diode, tunnel diode, BJT, JFET, MOS capacitor, MOSFET, LED, PIN and avalanche photodiode
5. Basics of LASER. Device technology
6. integrated circuits fabrication process, oxidation
7. diffusion, ion implantation, photolithography
8. n-tub, p-tub and twin-tub CMOS process.
Control Engineering
1. Application of open-loop and closed-loop systems
2. Principles of feedback
3. Determination of transfer function by block diagram reduction method
4. Time-domain analysis of first and second-order systems
5. transient and steady-state errors
6. damping and oscillations
7. Routh and Nyquist techniques
8. Bode plots, root loci, Lag, lead and lead-lag compensation
9. State-space model
10. State transition matrix
11. Controllability, and observability.
Telecommunication Systems
1. Random signals and noise
2. probability, random variables, probability density function
3. autocorrelation, power spectral density
4. Analog communication
5. amplitude and angle modulation and demodulation systems
6. spectral analysis of these operations, superheterodyne receivers
7. elements of hardware, realisations of analog communication systems
8. signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) calculations for AM and FM
9. Fundamentals of information theory and channel capacity theorem
10. Digital communication systems
11. Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
12. Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM)
13. Digital modulation schemes
14. amplitude, phase, and frequency-shift 15
15. keying schemes, matched filter receivers
16. Band consideration, and probability of error calculations for these schemes
17. Basics of TDMA, FDMA, and CDMA
18. Fundamentals of mobile communication
19. Fundamentals of optical fibre communication.
Microwave Engineering
1. Waveguides, Waveguide components, Klystrons
2. Travelling Wave Tubes
3. Magnetron, Microwave measurements
4. Introduction to microstrip lines
5. Microwave network analysis
6. Microwave semiconductor devices
7. Monolithic microwave integrated circuits.
Antenna and Wave Propagation
1. Antenna parameters
2. Radiation from a current element in free space
3. Reciprocity theorem, Resonant and non-resonant antenna
4. Effective length and aperture, gain
5. beam, directivity, radiation resistance
6. efficiency, polarization, impedance
7. directional characteristics of the antenna, and antenna temperature
8. Phased array antenna, Mechanism of radio wave propagation
9. Reflection, refraction, interference, and diffraction of radio waves
10 Theory of ground wave, space wave, sky wave
11. Troposcatter propagation.
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