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International Men’s Day

Happy International Men’s Day

This Day celebrating the achievements of men and boys. It is an opportunity for men to celebrate their contribution to society and also to reflect on the challenges they face. International Men’s Day was first observed in November 1992. 19.

The day was created by Thomas Oaster, a retired American professor of social work. The date of International Men’s Day varies from country to country.In some countries, it is celebrated on March 8th, also known as International Women’s Day.

International Men's Day


In 1968, an American journalist named John P. Harris wrote an editorial highlighting the lack of balance in the Soviet system, which promoted an International Women’s Day for female workers but offered no male equivalent.

Harris claimed that while she agreed that there should be a day to celebrate women, the day served as a disruption in the communist system. small events for International Men’s Day in February.

Thomas Oaster successfully hosted these events for two years, but its 1995 attempt was poorly attended. Discouraged, he stopped proceeding with the feature. Australia followed suit, making Malta the only country to continue partying.

In 1999, The Day was revived in Trinidad and Tobago by Jerome Teelucksingh of the University of the West Indies. He realized that while there was a day for fathers, there was no day to celebrate men who had no children or were young children and adolescents.

Teelucksingh understood the importance of positive male role models as his father was an excellent role model for him and decided to celebrate International Men’s Day on the 19th to unite his country in their efforts to qualify for the World Cup.

Since the Teelucksingh Renaissance, International Men’s Day has served to promote positive aspects of male identity, based on the premise that men respond more constructively to positive role models than to negative gender stereotypes. The day is not intended to compete with International Women’s Day, but to emphasize the importance of men’s physical and mental health and positive masculinity.

International Men’s Day is a day celebrating the achievements of men and boys. It is an opportunity for men to celebrate their contribution to society and also to reflect on the challenges they face. International Men’s Day was first observed in 1992 at the suggestion of Thomas Oaster.

The date was chosen because it is the anniversary of the death of Joseph Stalin, who was accused of being anti-male. The day has been criticized by some feminists as sexist or misogynistic, but others have argued that it can be seen as a way to promote gender equality by focusing on masculine issues such as male suicide rates and workplace deaths.

International Men's day

Following six pillers of this day:

  • Encourage positive male role models: not just super stars and athletes, but working-class men who live decent and honest lives everyday
  • Improve gender relations and promote gender equality.
  • Celebrate men’s positive roles to family, marriage, community, society, child care and others.
  • It promises to create a better and safer world where every being can reach their full potential.
  • Focus on men’s health and well-being: socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Following theme is designed on the men’s day:

  • Challenge faced by boys and men
  • Challenge faced by men as parents
  • Keep support to boys and men
  • Boy in the society
  • Male victims and survivors of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, domestic abuse,rape, forced marriage, honour-based crime, stalking and slavery
  • Working for boys and mens
  • Male suicide rate

When International Men’s Day celebrate in 2022?

This day is observed on Nov 19th 2022.




Click here to Know more

Click here to watch Men’s day special video by Ayushman Khurana




By Raman

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