Mirza Ghalib, 225th Birth Anniversary
Today is the 225th Birth Anniversary of ‘Mirza Ghalib’ or ‘Ghalib’.A poet whose couplets takes your imagination and thinking to the highest level.
A poet who has couplets for almost every significant event of one’s life, A poet who has defined the ‘undefined’ through his verses,
It doesn’t matter whether you are into poetry or not, you still have atleast heard of the name ‘Ghalib’, But when one starts reading him, Understanding his verses, imagining them, then one realises what ‘Ghalib’ actually is.
And I can say this from my personal experience, Once you start reading ‘Ghalib’, there is no going back!, And what better way to introduce him than by his own couplet,
‘Poochte hain woh ki ‘Ghalib’ kaun hai’ ‘Koi batlaao ki hum batlaayein kya’
“And to be honest, he is someone who doesn’t need an introduction”.
‘Hoga koi aisaa bhi jo ‘Ghalib’ ko na jaane’
‘Shayar toh woh achha hai pa badnaam bahut hai’
I’ve always wondered how can someone say such amazing verses? I’ve always wanted to know how can someone write so well? But then I read this couplet by ‘Ghalib’ and got my answer,
‘Husn-e-furogh-e-sham-e-sukhan door hai ‘Asad” ‘Pehle dil-e-gudaakhta paidaa kare koi’
Though I’m in absolute love with all of his work but, This one ghazal…..this ghazal has my heart, soul, everything, And as far as I remember it was “the one” which, Made me fall in love with his work in the first place.
Mirza Asadullah Baig Khan, popularly known as Mirza Ghalib, is one of the greatest Urdu poets. He was trained in classical Persian and mystic philosophy. The last of the great Delhi poets, Ghalib was born on December 27, 1797. He is often considered the first of the great modern poets. Mirza Ghalib is also known to have been influenced by the West and the spirit of the Indian Renaissance.
A Ghazal by Mirza Ghalib
Baazeecha-e-atfaal hai duniyaa mire aage’
Hota hai shab-o-roz tamaasha mire aage’
(the world is a game/plaything of children, before me, night-and-day is [habitually] a spectacle, before me)
Ik khel hai auraNg-e-sulaimaaN mire nazdeek’
Ik baat hai ijaaz-e-masihaa mire aage’
(a particular/unique amusement is the throne of Solomon, in my view, a particular/unique utterance is the miracle of the Messiah, before me)
Juz naam nahiN soorat-e-aalam mujhe manzoor’
Juz vehm nahiN hasti-e-ashyaa mire aage’
(except as a name, the aspect of the world is not accepted/’seen’ by me, except as an illusion/idea, there’s no existence of things, ‘before me’)
Hota hai nihaaN gard meiN sahraa mire hote’
Ghista hai zabeeN khaak pe dariyaa mire aage’
(the desert/wilderness is [habitually] hidden in the dust in my presence, the sea/river rubs its forehead on the dust/earth, before me)
Mat pooch ki kya haal hai mera tire peeche’
“Tu dekh ki kya raNg hai tera mire aage’
(don’t ask what state/condition is mine, after/behind you– you look at what mood/aspect/condition is yours, before me!)
Sach kehte ho khud-been-o-khud-aara huN kyuN na huN’
“Baithaa hai but-e-aaina-seema mire aage
(you say truly– I am self-regarding and self-adorning– why wouldn’t I be? an idol with a mirror-{face/forehead/aspect} is seated before me)
Phir dekhiye andaaz-e-gul-afshaani-e-guftaar’
Rakh de koi paimaana-e-sahbaa mire aage!
(then look at the style of rose-scattering of speech– let someone place the flagon of wine before me!)
Nafrat ka gumaaN guzre hai maiN rashq se guzra’
KyuN-kar kahuN na naam lo unkaa mire aage
(the suspicion/surmise of aversion/disgust ‘passes’; I ‘passed’ through/over envy/jealousy now/why would I say, ‘Don’t mention her name before me’?)
maaN mujhe roke hai jo khe Nche hai mujhe kufr’
Kaaba mire peeche hai Kaleesa mire aage’
faith stops me, since/while unbelief draws me on the Ka’bah is behind me; the church, before me)
Aashiq huN pe maashooq-farebi hai mira kaam’
Majnu ko buraa kehti hai lailaa mire aage’
I am a lover, but deception/trickery of beloveds is my task/desire Laila vilifies/’badmouths’ Majnun, (in my presence / compared to me})
Khush hote haiN par vasl mein yun mar nahiN jaate’
Aayi shab-e-hijraaN ki tamannaa mire aage’
[people/we] are happy, but [people/we] don’t die gratuitously/’like this’, in union! The longing of the night of separation came upon/’before’ me)
Hai mauj-zan ik qulzum-e-khooN kaash yehi ho’
Aata hai abhi dekhiyo kya kyaa mire aage
(a unique/excellent sea/’Red Sea’ of blood is roiling– if only/emphatically this would be [& et’s see what-all right now comes before me)
Go haath ko zumbish nahiN aaNkhoN meiN toh dam hai’
Rehne do abhi saaghar-o-meenaa mire aage’
(although the hand has no movement– well, the eyes have life/breath! now/still, let the wineglass and flagon remain before me)
Tum peshaa-o-hum-mashrab-o-hum-raaz hai mira’
Ghalib’ ko buraa kyuN kaho achhaa mire aage’
(he’s a profession-sharer and drink-sharer and secret-sharer of mine,why would you vilify/’badmouth’ Ghalib? He’s fine/’good’, in my view! why would you vilify/’badmouth’ Ghalib?!– a fine/’good’ thing, in my presence!)
To know more about Mirza Ghalib, you can visit wikipedia.
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