NEET Admit Card 2023
Click here to know about dress code
Click here to know process to download admit card
If forget your Registration Number and password, click here to know the steps
NEET is a great test for people who want to become doctors. It is administered by the National Testing Agency (NTA) and you must pass it to be admitted into medical school. The test is really tough, and you have to work very hard to get a good result.
This is the only Medical College Entrance Exam in India and NEET Card 2023 is the key document to be issued on the day of the exam. All the necessary information about the NEET 2023 card, its meaning, the download process and the necessary instructions for the exam day.
NEET Admit Card 2023 Release Date
May 2, 2023
Last Date to Download NEET Hall Ticket 2023
May 7, 2023
NEET Exam Date 2023
May 7, 2023
NEET 2023 Exam Timing
2:00 PM to 5:20 PM
NEET Admit Card 2023, Many students applied for the NEET UG 2023 exam this year. About 20.7,000 people prepare for the exam. If you have applied for the NEET UG exam, you can get your NTA NEET Admit Card 2023 online with your application number, date of birth and PIN.
NEET admit card 2023 date
May 2, 2023 (Expected)
NEET admit card 2023 download official website
NEET admit card 2023 released by
NTA (National Testing Agency)
Login Details to Check NEET admit card 2023
NEET Admit Card 2023 Details Mentioned
Candidate details, exam center details, medium of question paper, reporting time, exam day guidelines
NEET 2023 exam cities
499 test cities including 14 outside India
NTA NEET helpline
Phone number – 011-40759000 Email ID – [email protected]
NEET Admission Card Exam 2023 On May 3, 2023, the National Testing Agency (NTA) will issue the NEET UG Admission Card for the 2023 exam. Candidates who have applied for the NEET UG exam can download their admission cards from the official website. NEET 2023 exam date UG NEET exam 2023 is May 7th, 2023.
If you are taking the exam this year, it is important to start studying early in order to pass the exam well. The exam is difficult, so make sure you have studied everything in the syllabus. You pass the exam offline by using the OMR table to answer the questions.
NEET Admit Card 2023 Download Via Website:
To download the NEET Admit Card 2023, candidates need to follow these simple steps:
- Go to the official website of NTA NEET (
- Click on the link for “Download NEET Admit Card 2023“
- Enter your NEET application number, date of birth, and security pin.
- Click on the “Submit” button.
- Your NEET Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
- Verify all the details mentioned on the admit card and download it
- Take a printout of the admit card.
NEET Admit Card 2023 Download Via Digi Locker
Candidates who have registered for NEET 2023 can download their admit card through DigiLocker (a digital platform introduced by the Government of India for storing and sharing electronic documents). To download the NEET 2023 Admit Card via DigiLocker, candidates must follow these steps:-
Go to the official website of Digi Locker (
If you have not registered on Digi Locker, then create an account by entering your mobile number and verifying it with an OTP.
Once you have logged in to your Digi Locker account, click on the “Issued Documents” section.
Look for the National Testing Agency (NTA) folder and click on it.
Click on the link below for NEET 2023 Admit Card
Detail Mentioned on NEET Admit Card 2023
They are following the Detail mentioned on Admit Card/Hall Ticket
- Candidate’s name
- Roll number
- Candidate’s father’s name
- Candidate’s mother’s name
- Candidate’s date of birth
- Gender
- Category
- Sub-category
- Nationality
- Exam date
- Reporting time
- Exam center address
- Candidate’s photograph
- Candidate’s signature
- Exam day instructions
If Forget your Registration Number and password, you can follow these steps:
- Visit the official NEET website at
- Click on the “Candidate Login” button on the homepage.
- Select the “Forgot Registration Number” option.
- Enter your name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, and security pin.
- Click on the “Get Registration Number” button.
- Your NEET registration number will be displayed on the screen.
- Take a printout of the page or note it down.
NEET 2023 Dress Code by NTA
Avoid wearing shoes. Instead wear slippers or sandals with low heels.
Light clothes with long sleeves should not be worn. However, light half-sleeved clothes can be worn.
You must avoid wearing any type of jewelry such as rings, bangles, necklaces, and earrings. Also, wearing heavy metal watches or metal bands should be avoided.
It is advised to avoid wearing jeans. Instead, you should wear trousers.
Avoid wearing shoes with thick soles and clothes with large & heavy buttons.
If you wear specific clothing for cultural/ customary reasons, you must reach the test center at least an hour before the reporting time mentioned on your NEET Admit Card 2023.
In case you require any deviation from the dress code due to medical reasons, then you must take prior approval from the NTA before NEET Admit Card is issued.
NEET Syllabus 2023 (Class 11 and Class 12)
Class 11th syllabus
1. Physical world and measurement
2. Kinematics
3. Laws of motion
4. Work, energy and power
5. Motion of system of particle and rigid body
6. Gravitation
7. Properties of bulk matter
8. Thermodynamics
9. Behaviour of perfect gas and kinetics theory
10. Oscillations and wave
1. Some basic concepts of chemistry
2. Structure of atom
3. Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
4. Chemical bonding and molecular structure
5. States of matter: Gas and Liquid
6. Thermodynamics
7. Equillibrium
8. Redox reaction
9. Hydrogen
10. s block elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth matters)
11. Some p block elements
12. Organic chemistry- some basic principles and techniques
13. Hydrocarbons
14. Environmental chemistry
1. Diversity in living world
2. Structural organization- plants and animals
3. Cell structure and function
4. Plant physiology
5. Human physiology
Class 12th syllabus
1. Electro statistics
2. Current electricity
3. Megnetic effect of current and megnetism
4. Electromagnetic induction and alternative current
5. Electromagnetic wave
6. Optics
7. Dual nature of matter and radiation
8. Atoms and nuclear
9. Electronic device
1. Solid state
2. Solution
3. Electrochemistry
4. Chemical kinetics
5. Surface chemistry
6. General principles and processes of isolation of elements
7. P block elements
8. D and F block elements
9. Coordination compounds
10. Haloalkanes and haloarenes
11. Alcohols, phenols and ethers
12. Aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acid
13. Organic compounds containing nitrogen
14. Biomolecules, polymers and chemistry in everyday life
1. Reproduction
2. Genetic and evolution
3. Biology and human walfare
4. Biotechnology and it’s application
5. Ecology and environment
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