• Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

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Taiwan to increases the compulsory milatery service period

Taiwanese Goverment recently decided to increase the military service period because of China

Taiwan announced a new policy in order to protect their country from the threat of China.

The president of Tiwan “Tsai Ing Wen” herself announced this new rule.


Why Taiwan increased Army Service Period

On this Monday 26th of December more than 70 Chinese jet fighter aircrafts voileted the airspace of Tiwan.

Taiwan airdefence system was forced to active and yet not to shoot any Chinese plane since, it can be considered as a declaration of war from Chinese side.

This incidence must have left a deep impact on Taiwanese government  and which result increasing the service period in army.

Another reason is that during a survey with Taiwanese people many of the civilian admitted that they are not ok with the current milatery service period and this must be exceeded.

Which eventually resulted in the extension of the service period.

The new period of service is 1 year before it was just 4 months.

In comparison with the Chinese army the Taiwanese army is far behind in numbers. China has one of the biggest army in the world having more than 1 million troops whereas Taiwan only has 90 thousand troops.

On other advance milatry equipments like fighter jets and submarines the Tiwan army is no where close to the Chinese army.


Milatry training Taiwan gives to Citizen

During the training period citizen went through the normal training period of a troop.

In this training people are teached how to use weapon, hand to hand fighting styles, and more ways of first aid.

After that if a person wants to be a permanent member of army in order to server his country then he/she has to pass a exam and then they can became a permanent member of the army.

By Keshav

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